Wednesday, 8 July 2009

The King of Pop

One of the most bizarre yet "must-watch" "shows," if you can call it that, I must have ever witnessed, definitely how Micheal Jackson himself would have like to have been sent off. I particularly like the tributes to him, not only through word and song but also by fashion and style that was show throughout the "show."

The gloves that his brothers wore said so much and they looked great. I don't no if anyone has ever pulled off a fashion statement that bold, that has stuck for so long, decades even.

Not only did his brothers make a statement; the gold coffin which cost £15,000 covered in red roses is absolutely beautiful. Its like no coffin I have ever seen before and its very curvaceous and bold. I would definitely put my money on Micheal loving this send off and everything about it.



  1. i have been away in Italy for most of the whole 'oh my god Michael jackson is dead' stuff, but dont u think its all a bit to much, spending £15,000 on a coffin is a bit ridiculous especially as people are only going to see it for less then a few hours, that money could be spend on so much more better thing, ie given to charity (if he had done that instead of an elaborate funeral i would have more respect for him). i am sad he is dead but its a bit to much i feel.

  2. fair comment, your right, maybe his children could actually use the money but something like this was probably expected for him. did you catch the ceremony it was more like a show than a funeral.
